How to Simplify Your Menu Covers

You've probably heard of the K.I.S.S. design principle: Keep it simple, stupid. But did you know that expression is over 50 years old and was coined by aircraft engineer, Kelly Johnson? The beautiful thing about this design principle — that systems with simple designs work best — can apply to everything from aerospace to eateries. Read on to discover how to "K.I.S.S." your menu covers.
• Logo only. If you've done your branding right, your restaurant's logo should be instantly recognizable. Take a minimalist approach to your menu covers by featuring only your logo. Heavier, high-quality materials such as leather or metal lend themselves especially well to logo-only menu covers.
• Keep it clean. Both literally and metaphorically, menu covers should always be kept clean. Customers get easily disgusted by dirty, sticky menus. An easy way to keep menus clean is by using cafe style, clear menu covers. You can dial up the sophistication level by opting for fabric or faux wood trim.
• Ditch the cover. It doesn't get much simpler than ditching your menu covers altogether. Instead, opt for a menu board. This is a fantastic option for menus that fit on a single side of a single sheet of paper. Wooden clipboards are a fun, popular style that's super easy to update. Menu boards are also easily updatable, but are a more upscale choice available in attractive fabric or leather.
• Box yourself in. If you do go the menu board route, you can still keep things simple by using clear, easy-to-read fonts. Because boxes are great attention-getters, consider using boxes around signature and high-profit dishes. However, be careful not to overdo it and make sure the placement of the boxes is balanced throughout the page.
Finally, no matter how simple your menu is, always proofread to make sure it's error free.